21_21 DesignSight 吉岡德仁 SECOND NATURE

今天看到21_21美術館下一個檔期竟然是艾登涵最愛之ㄧ - 吉岡德仁策劃的SECOND NATURE,即使在優雅的咖啡店內也忍不住在內心大叫"好想看唷!!"尤其是很喜歡挑戰以及專研材料的吉岡德仁這次使用了"液體"的材質做創作,更是讓我好想10月份就飛到日本去親眼瞧瞧.

註.艾登涵因為之前工作的關係,先喜歡上他的作品(他所設計的kiss me goodbye 和 tokyo pop 系列),才認識吉岡德仁,之後也不斷追蹤他的消息.


―Thinking about the future of design: Second Nature, from the depths of a sea of memoriesThis exhibition offers an opportunity to once again ponder the futureof design as well as the mysterious powers of nature which transcend the limits of human imagination. Tokujin Yoshioka, the director of the exhibition, has attempted to incorporate in his own design work the many laws that exist in nature, while at the same time exploring the possibilities of technology. His works do not merely remind people of the natural world on a visual level or imitate the more apparent manifestations of the laws of nature. Rather, by using technology as well as his own ideas as a kind of sustenance, he creates new forms of nature, in a process that results in what might best be described as a “second nature”. Rooted in this mindset, this exhibition presents the experimental works of eight groups of creators, including Tokujin Yoshioka himself. The exhibition also presents a cloud-like installation that envelop the exhibit space.

吉岡德仁個人網站 http://www.tokujin.com/




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